With more and more people staying indoors and “social distancing” themselves from others, we’re talking about one important aspect of being quarantined: self-care. This might seem minor, but as the days continue where we are being encouraged to stay in our homes, self-care will be more vital now than ever before.
Whether you are enjoying the time at home or you are starting to feel anxious, implementing a self-care list or calendar to give yourself and your mind some rest could be beneficial for your mental wellbeing. By incorporating self-care activities into each day now, you will likely set yourself up for a healthy future indoors.
Here are 7 ways to practice self-care during COVID-19:
Take a break from the news.
For many people, it is hard to distance themselves from the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, news. It’s all over: on TV, online, throughout social media and on the lips of pretty much everyone right now. But we encourage you to take a break from the noise of the virus, as it could make you even more anxious about what’s going on in the world.
Although it’s important to stay updated on what’s going on in your state, we recommend at least a 15-minute break. Turn off the television, close down your social media and news apps, and enjoy the silence. You can listen to uplifting music or simply lay down and close your eyes for a few minutes.
Get support from your community.
Did you know that Eating Recovery Center offers ongoing online support groups? These free support sessions are open to anyone who is in need of some encouragement. Whether you’re an alum of ERC, a parent or caretaker, or you are just involved in the ERC community and social media, you are invited to participate!
Find the right virtual support group for you here, and get involved in weekly discussions with our expert clinician teams.
Check in with your loved ones.
Sometimes you need some encouragement from those who know you most. Whether it’s a family member, friend or mentor, reach out to your personal community of people you love to stay connected. Although the CDC still recommends to “social distance,” there are a few ways you can still spend time with your network of loved ones.
If you have FaceTime or other video chatting technology, set up a call! It’s nice to communicate “face-to-face,” even if it’s digitally. Write your loved ones an email, and encourage them to continue the chain of conversation. Writing a letter sometimes helps ease stress. Start a book club with friends or family members! You can have a weekly virtual check in to go over what you read.
Put on some relaxing music.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by the noise of the news and social media, some soothing music could relax you. In this time you should be certain to validate your feelings; you have the right to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Use relaxing music to cope with it in a constructive way. You know the type of music that allows you to destress, but there are many different playlists out there via music streaming services that are meant to calm your nerves or even help you sleep.
Want to make your music selection interactive? Ask your friends and family members what they’re listening to. There might be some genres or new albums that you haven’t heard that will keep your brain occupied.
Make a list of your favorite indoor activities.
Accepting that the stay-at-home precaution might last weeks or even months can be mentally challenging. That’s why we’re recommending that you plan ahead. There are many activities to take part in at home and indoors.
Now is the perfect time to start a new puzzle or to play a board game – even virtually with your friends. You can also do activities like coloring, painting, cooking, reorganizing your closet or writing in your journal. By making a list, you’ll remind yourself what you can do when boredom starts kicking in.
Do some stress-reducing meditations.
If you are new to meditation, know you are not the only one. But this calming activity can be a great way to destress and give yourself some much needed self-care. There are thousands of meditations online that can direct your breathing and thoughts into positive directions.
At ERC, our experts have also created some guided meditations. View our Yoga Mindfulness meditation, or view the other Mindfulness Meditation video we’ve recorded just for you.
Nourish your body.
During this hectic time, it is important to ensure you are taking care of your health. If you are working with a nutritionist or medical expert regarding your diet, you should talk to them about how to continue these guidelines for food.
If you aren’t working with a nutrition expert, we recommend a balanced diet with good proteins (such as meats or legumes), fresh or canned fruit and vegetables (depending on what you have on hand), and drinking plenty of water. Keep your body nourished to help it stay healthy!