This support group takes place every Monday at 6:00 p.m. MT and is open to caregivers, family members, and support people of adults with an eating disorder.
Join fellow caregivers, family members, and support people for a weekly virtual Support Group offering support, education about eating disorders, and connection with other individuals with shared experiences. Participation in the group is online, free, and open to anyone supporting an adult with an eating disorder. Participants can attend as often as they would like with no pressure to attend group every time. Please note, the group is a supplemental support for support people, and it is not a replacement for eating disorder treatment, therapy, or medical advice.
Closed captioning services are provided in this virtual support group.
Support Groups at Eating Recovery Center
Whether you are struggling with an eating disorder or your mental health, we believe that with trusted, expert support and community connection, healing is always possible. Eating Recovery Center and Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center offers several free support groups led by trained facilitators for those who need some extra support. These groups are available for alumni, community members and families of loved ones in treatment.
To ensure your safety and that of our teammates, our support groups are currently only taking place online. This means that you're able to connect with others and our staff from the convenience of your home!
Note: In order to offer virtual support resources to as many people in need as possible, we ask that you only attend one ERC | Pathlight support group per week. The size of our group may fluctuate from week to week. Any group that consistently has 20 or more attendees is evaluated by our team to ensure all participants are able to have a positive experience.
We are excited to connect with you!
Have questions or need more information about this group?
Email: [email protected]