• Stephanie J.

    It's been amazing to watch Stephanie go from struggling with an eating disorder to a thriving wife, mom and nurse. I am always proud of you and love you forever.

    Chelsea, Partner of Stephanie J.

    Stephanie J.

    Human Connection is Healing:

    My transformation seemed sudden, though I know it wasn't. One day it felt like there was a light that turned on and hope flooded in. I cannot pinpoint a moment in treatment that 'worked', but I knew I was changed.

    The one thing i know for certain is that I am so thankful for the people in my life that believed in me. If it weren't for them, I would not be here, or be the person I am today. Connection is healing. Love is uplifting. I do not have a perfect life, there are struggles and sadness, but I am able to get through it without using Anorexia to manage. I have joy and peace in my life. I am so blessed.

  • Melinda

    I deeply appreciate and am grateful to support Melinda in her long and hard journey of recovery. Her recovery journey has opened herself to more channels of support after and during treatment. Now, Melinda's happiness and safety is the most precious gift her recovery journey has helped her achieve.

    Yue, Melinda’s Mother


    At the start of my recovery journey, I was lost. I was unsure of my own capability to heal, but, as I went through stages of treatment at ERC, I discovered a newfound sense of hope in myself to move forward. I am immensely grateful to have left ERC with a more liberating outlook on life, and a clearer idea who I wanted to be outside my eating disorder. After being fully discharged from ERC, I told my pediatrician that while I felt one chapter of my life had ended, I could see the beginning of a new one.

    I was discharged over two years ago. To this day, I feel I am able to live each day as myself, and feel content about who I am. Thanks to skills I have learned at ERC, I can now look forward to the future and focus on bettering the true version of myself.

  • Lindsay Holifield

    I had an active eating disorder for fourteen years, and I was a “revolving door” treatment client for most of those years.

    Lindsay Holifield

    Lindsay Holifield

    I honestly thought I was fated to either live in the misery of a relapse or exist in the clinical walls of a treatment facility. I wanted out, but I found that the harder I tried to berate myself into recovery, the more I would spiral into self-destructive behaviors. I will never forget a therapist telling me, “Lindsay, you cannot yell yourself into recovery,” by which she meant that the only way out of this cycle is self-compassion. I knew that yelling at myself to Stop Doing the Unhealthy Thing wasn’t working, but it took me a long time to really begin to implement self-compassion. It felt counter-intuitive at first, but when I began to approach myself compassionately (what author Aundi Kolber calls, “trying softer”), I began to find my way out of the depths of the struggle. It wasn’t a magical overnight cure, but I began to take steps towards the light. Now, I can confidently say that I am living in recovery and that hope exists to find your way out of the struggle, even if the struggle has been a long one.

  • new-kelli-evans-bio-pic.jpg

    I have always loved Kelli no matter what, but to now see her live a vibrant life, being fully engaged, is an amazing thing to take in! I love you, Kelli!

    Neil, Kelli’s husband

    Kelli Evans

    I admitted to Eating Recovery Center nearly 12 years ago a very broken, middle-aged woman. This was not my first admittance to an eating disorder treatment center for anorexia. While at ERC-Denver I began to embrace what it was going to take to become truly well which meant also addressing my alcoholism, other addictions, depression, and anxiety.

    With caring guidance at ERC I began to look at the trauma in my past and begin the work of embracing life again. Today, I live an authentic and fulfilled life, one in which I am fully present and happy. I live each day grateful for ERC as they have come alongside me in every facet of my recovery these past years.

  • An image of a woman holding a coffee cup

    Having that validation 'You've changed as a person' from your treatment team was so cool to receive.

    Katie, former patient


    The most impactful moment at ERC was when I received a high five from my psychiatrist the day after I finally decided to work towards recovery. I was in Residential, and just had a meeting with my treatment team. They sat me down, looked at me, and they said, "Whatever is about to come out of your mouth, I'll believe." And I asked, "What do you mean you'll believe me?" And they looked at me and said, "Your eyes have changed." Having the validation that they saw the change before I had even said anything was very encouraging, because the small things should be celebrated.

  • Image of Kate talking and laughing with her mom

    What I loved about ERC was that they had so much available to help me while my daughter was in treatment...They were kind and they were considerate and they explained over and over again if they needed to, to a point where I understood my role in helping my daughter.

    Kate's Mother


    Recovery was getting to know myself over again because I had forgotten who I was and what I wanted for myself because I was so focused on my disorder behaviors. It was all I ever thought about all day, every day, waking up, going to bed. Getting to set that aside and let the people at ERC handle that for me was so helpful. Once a week, I filled out my menus and that was all I thought about. I didn't have to worry about it. I just filled the menu out, pass it along and had them take care of that, and then I could take care of me, and get to know people and get to know myself and work with my team, because the core of the issue had nothing to do with food.

  • siobhan

    ERC helped me begin to see my value as a woman outside of my body and race. They helped me see that I was enough no matter what others said or did. Not only did my body undergo a beautiful transformation in treatment, but so did my heart and mind.

    Siobhan Taylor

    Siobhan Taylor

    My treatment at ERC launched me into a season of exploration and hope. By tackling the insidiously nuanced nature of my eating disorder, the battle to learn how to eat well was just the beginning of learning how to love myself well. It was the beginning of learning the power of acceptance, resilience, and grit. There were many days that I wanted to give up; to throw in the towel. However, my treatment team wouldn’t let me. They knew my future was brighter than anything I could see. They knew that God had more in store for me than I could ever imagine. With their help, guidance, and support, the obstacles toward recovery became the bridges I’d build to reach my best self. On the other side was a girl waiting to love and see that she was loved.

Eating Recovery Center is accredited through the Joint Commission. This organization seeks to enhance the lives of the persons served in healthcare settings through a consultative accreditation process emphasizing quality, value and optimal outcomes of services.

Organizations that earn the Gold Seal of Approval™ have met or exceeded The Joint Commission’s rigorous performance standards to obtain this distinctive and internationally recognized accreditation. Learn more about this accreditation here.