Compulsive Overeating Self-Assessment Quiz

Have you ever wondered, “Why do I overeat?” Take our quick quiz today and get tips on how to stop compulsive overeating.

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Do You Need Help for Overeating?

Do you find yourself eating when bored? Or eating when stressed? Does food provide comfort or soothe feelings of sadness or worry? No matter what the cause, compulsive overeating can feel as though you’ve lost control over what you eat, and that experience can be incredibly distressing.

Take Our Compulsive Overeating Quiz Today

Our therapists are licensed, qualified, and ready to help.

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Please note: this online eating disorder screening test is not intended to diagnose an illness. If you are struggling with eating disorder behaviors, we encourage you to call us at 877-825-8584 or find an experienced eating disorder treatment professional near you. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Why Do I Overeat?

We’ve heard patients tell us that they wish they just had a little more self-control or a little more willpower so they could finally stop compulsive overeating. But overcoming compulsive eating has very little to do with willpower. Instead, stopping compulsive overeating requires a specialized treatment approach. Here at Eating Recovery Center, we offer specialized care for people struggling with compulsive overeating. In treatment, we address the following areas:

  • Medical issues related to compulsive overeating
  • Therapies that work to reduce the compulsion to overeat
  • Dietary and nutritional education and guidance
  • Psychiatric assessment and treatment

If you’re ready to make a change, we’re here to help.

Discover More Eating Disorder Screening Tests

There are many different types of eating disorders. All are associated with many serious health complications and risks. See additional eating disorder screening tests below.

Get matched with the exact support you need.

With one conversation, our mental health professionals will help you better understand what you’re going through and what you need.

We will meet you where you are, listen to your story in a therapeutic setting, and match you with the level of support that meets your struggle.


When to Get Help

Compulsive overeating is an illness that is often shrouded in shame and isolation. But we want you to know this: you’re not struggling with overeating because you are lazy or lack willpower. You can learn how to stop overeating. There is no shame in recognizing that you have a problem and no shame in reaching out for help.

If the feelings or behaviors in our self-assessment test above describe you or a loved one, Eating Recovery Center can help. Please call us at 877-825-8584 to speak confidentially with one of our Masters-level clinicians. We can listen, explore treatment options, review insurance benefits and help you find a solution that is right for you.

Know the Signs to Watch For

When it comes to compulsive overeating, each person is unique, with different eating habits, different food preferences, and different triggers. Do you recognize yourself or a loved one in any of these compulsive overeating symptoms?

  • Eating what most people would think is an unusually large amount of food
  • Eating even when feeling uncomfortably full
  • Eating alone due to shame or embarrassment about what you are eating

Perhaps you recognize the challenging emotions that accompany compulsive eating. Along with internal distress, depression or anxiety, many medical complications are associated with compulsive overeating, including metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Additionally, people with compulsive eating habits can get stuck in cycles of overeating and dieting, then overeating and dieting again. However, this binge-diet cycle, also called yo-yo dieting, can make compulsive overeating habits worse. Does that cycle sound familiar to you? If so, get in touch with us today at (877) 825-8584.

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Eating Recovery Center is accredited through the Joint Commission. This organization seeks to enhance the lives of the persons served in healthcare settings through a consultative accreditation process emphasizing quality, value and optimal outcomes of services.

Organizations that earn the Gold Seal of Approval™ have met or exceeded The Joint Commission’s rigorous performance standards to obtain this distinctive and internationally recognized accreditation. Learn more about this accreditation here.

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